Article Dev Log Event News

A Sudden Influx of Bears + More! A Message From The Crypt #4

Hot off the presses! Caleb here with some brand new NecroMansters news! Lemme break it down for ya in a few bite sized chunks. Lots of fun pictures to gawk at!

Almost to 15k!

In anticipation of that quickly-approaching 15k stretch goal, I’ve cooked up something fresh for all of you! Here’s a teaser of what’s to come:

Meet the Necropolitan, a dashing specimen of undead weirdness

As soon as we reach this stretch goal, this debonaire fella will find his way into every backer’s deck! Tell your friends! Warn your enemies! The Necropolitan is nearly here!

Table Top Simulator Revamped + N.O.I.R. Exclusives

In anticipation of the upcoming NecroManster Online Internet Rumble event, we’ve made some tweaks to the Table Top Simulator mod!

Now featuring the brand new neoprene mat designs! A lil more room for your draw piles in Duel or Custom Mode.
‘mansters, just like grandma used to make.
The cards do have some magnetism to line them up just like you would in real life, but if you prefer a messy stack that’s on you.
plus, a little teaser of what NecroMansters Sleeves might look like! Wink wink nudge nudge. Part of importing Custom decks from necromansters dot com right into TTS!

In addition to the other rewards listed on the NecroMansters site, take a sneaky peek at Chiaroscuro, the promotional exclusive for the top 16 players who participate in N.O.I.R. Events!

nightmare eyes, anyone?

Spare Parts & Team Mythic Teasers!

If you know me, you know I’m bad with keeping secrets, especially if those secrets are some absolutely sick looking new cards. Feast ya eyes, creeps!

a fearsome face from Mythic, the homemade “dragon” named ‘Gax Machina.
Eight Bears, a Spare Parts newcomer. Yes, literally eight bears stitched together. Things could get messy fast.
Djent, one of the strongest cards in Mythic, not to mention the most 80s B-Movie Horror Flick coded. Oozing with charm, literally and figuratively.

Less than half the Make-A-Manster slots remaining in Spare Parts, too! Vibrating with excitement in anticipation of starting those in the next months.

Some Lil Adverts + Incentive!

Just because I can: Here are some lil funny advertisement images I whipped up for myself! Feel free to spread these around like the plague–and, as a little incentive for spreading the glorious news of all things ‘Mansters, I’m gonna include a lil link to a NecroMansters Moby Crypt Wallpaper at the veeery bottom of all this for those of you who scroll that far (and, maybe, just maybe, recruit your buddies to the cause). Go killem dead out there, creeps!

As promised–Here’s your wallpaper! Now GO! Spread the card game goodness!!

And, as always,
Creep it real.



Necromansters Online Internet Rumble Tournament Series

Hello card folk. Speedrobo here.

Today I am thrilled to announce an online tournament series for NecroMansters.

Here’s how to join.

  1. Go to and create an account.
  2. Join the Speedrobo Games Discord.
  3. Make sure you’ve got Tabletop Simulator (or other sim of your choice) ready to go.
  4. Review the rules and get ready to play Duel of the Dead mode! No deck building required and players will be choosing one of the 4 preconstructed decks available when the game room loads up.
  5. Sign up for the event! The first tournament will be July 26th. There will then be two more tournaments in this first N.O.I.R. series. One in August and one in September.
  6. If you have any questions, ask them on Discord! We’re happy to help you out.

The format will be Duel of the Dead and best 1 one.
Swiss tournament with a cut to top 4 (Assuming a high player count. Top 4 may be skipped).

The default play method will be Tabletop Simulator.

However, if BOTH players agree, a different simulator may be used. If players cannot agree on the simulator to use, Tabletop Simulator will be used. If a player cannot use Tabletop Simulator in this situation, they will forfeit that game.

Players will be required to use discord to operate their matches and will be assigned game rooms on discord. Players will be required to screen share their match so that proper judge calls can be made.

If a judge is needed, ask for one in discord. A judge will join your game room to assist.

Prizes will be given out at the end of the three tournaments. You will need to provide shipping information in your necromansters account in order to be sent your prizes. Check your ranking and what prizes you will get by going to the “Seasons” tab on

Event News

Necromansters Play Network

WOAH! I told you guys more cool stuff was on the way. We now have a full organized play and deck builder website ready for y’all to enjoy.

Get on here and make an account and you’ll get to see all the cards that will be coming out with Necromansters Starter Set! Build your own decks and enjoy! Plus you can then copy the TTS code of any deck and import it directly into the TTS mod using the newly added deck import feature.

Are you a game store? Want some Necromansters action happening? Just sign up on the site and apply for an organizer application. This will let you start making events and will add you to our Game Store mailing list for promos, prizes, and more!

Event News

Origins Game Fair Update

Hello Gate Commanders, Necromancers, Prospectors, Citizens of the Island, Illyriad Emperors, and card folk of all games.

This is Rhydon checking to let you know that everything we are planning for Origins is now locked in and getting manufactured by us over the coming weeks. It should all be done on time. If anything is going to be late; I will update everyone right away.

Our whole team is all hands on deck for the show at this time and other efforts in other areas may be slow. Expect slow communications from us on digital efforts, event updates, gameplay changes, and more.

To all of our dear clients not joining us for Origins, I write this as well as personal communications to you to convey the delays you may see as we prepare for the big show.

Thank you all for your kind understanding in this matter.

We are looking forward to seeing you all on June 20th at Booth 619.

Rhydon Vassay
Owner of Speedrobo Games

P.S. Enjoy these spoiler cards for some of the incredible games you will find at our booth.


Kryptik Organized Play Season

The new season for Atonement is live:

This season is shorter and structured similar to System Gate.

Article Dev Log Errata Event Hall of Fame News

System Gate: The everything update

Hello my wonderful System Gate community!

I have a lot to update everyone on now that the World Tournament 2024 AND Season 2 have officially wrapped up.

To get started, I would like to congratulate the Top 4 of System Gate Worlds 2024~!

Brandon Whittington

Chris Palacios

Ava Vassay

Kenton Banyai (2024 World Champion!)

After the tournament ended, we released a survey to get everyone’s thoughts on the event. It was super helpful and all of your feedback was really appreciated. It helped us direct the ban list, know what cards needed errata, and guide the design direction for Season 3. Some players were very happy with the Meta of the tournament and others were very not happy. That shows that we have room to improve and intent to do just that. The first step is rolling out a heavy list of bans and a sprinkle of Errata.

We will now discuss the ban list!

Lightning Shinobi, Hattori requires a ban due to how he interacts with a card in FS02. In addition, players have listed this card as an annoyance in the past. Therefore, this card will be receiving a temporary placement on the ban list. I do expect him to be taken off in the future.

Mobius is receiving his ban for identical reasons to Hattori. He’s been listed as an annoyance before and becomes far too consistent with the release of FS02. Welcome to the no-play list!

Goblin Slingshot I expect to be the most controversial pick on this list. However, I do feel it is appropriate given the feedback from the survey. The only real answer to this card is to play Bulk Up! and Bulk Up! specifically. That’s a problem. Feedback from the survey indicated that players are wanting less cards in the game that require specific counter play. Therefore we are removing the problem from the game for now.

Cold Stegosaurus was the most requested card to be banned in the survey. In addition, it played a vital role in 2 of the top 4 decks this year. That alone would be justification to ban the card, however it is also part of a bigger problem. [Steadfast] was a keyword that was meant for aggressive cards, not defensive cards. Giving it to Cold Stego was a mistake and I apologize. It is now banned from play.

Let’s move on to the Erratas!

“Radiation Blaze” from here on will only be able to be triggered twice per turn. This was another request from the survey by multiple people.

This one was pretty easy to see coming. Excalibur was the core card of the Champion deck. This is a card that’s been flexing her power over the game for quite some time. To bring her in line, she has lost her [Counter] timing.

Aurora’s Betrayal gaining a cost was another survey request and another totally legit one. This card was totally busted. Whoops! Now it’s fixed.

There will be an errata pack rolling out to game stores that request it with Excalibur and Aurora’s Betrayal in it. If you’re wanting some, please let us know by email ([email protected]). Thank you!

And with the end of the world tournament, it is also the end of the online season! The top 16 players will be contacted about their prizing via email in the near future. So stay tuned for that this summer!

There’s many more exciting announcements for System Gate and Speedrobo games coming VERY VERY soon!!!

Article Dev Log Errata Event Hall of Fame News

System Gate Worlds 2024 Wrap up

Hello Commanders and Gate Masters!

I hope everyone had a great time at the end of this season. We had a great turn out at the event. Please check the results here:

To summarize, congrats to our top 2 players Ava Vassay and Kenton Banyai. Both previous world champions fought it out for the crown, with Kenton Banyai managing to defend his title this year!

We will be releasing the deck he used (possibly with some erratas to certain cards) in July of this year.

Speaking of erratas, we will be doing our normal post-worlds ban list and errata updates. Expect to see this list go live at the end of June 2024 at the latest. Our team is still going over the data and making sure that our adjustments will have the desired effect.

In fact, YOU CAN HELP! Please take our survey to help make our events and game even better.

It will be the end of the digital season on our Play Network soon as well. Rhydon is currently getting in contact with the software provider to co-ordinate rewards with everyone. We will be getting the prizes in your hands and start the new season by the end of the summer.

Thank you all again for your continued support of System Gate. This year will be even bigger and better than the last!


System Gate 2024 World Tournament

Get ready, System Gate players, as our World Tournament sign-ups are now live! 🥳🏆 This exciting event will take place on April 27th at Space Boat Games in Mattoon, IL! Rules for the tournament, as well as additional information and sign-ups are in the link below!

Dev Log Event News

Future Flash Promo Pack

There was a cross over fighting game that I used to really enjoy in my youth. One thing that game did was that it added in characters from upcoming games for that platform. It was dumb, but in a cool way. I always wanted to do something like that, so I did.

Releasing with BT08 is the FUTURE FLASH PROMO PACK! This will be the promo pack sent out to participating store locations to use as prizes during this sets release window.

This pack will be featuring 6 all new cards that all feature characters form UPCOMING SPEEDROBO GAMES!!!

As always, please check to see upcoming events from our amazing store partners to learn when you can get your hands on this promo pack. Ask your local game store if they are participating and registered at!


System Gate Online League

Due to requests for more online tournaments, we will begin the System Gate online league this November! Please check out the event on the System Gate Play Network.

The start of the event will be on November 1st 2023 to coincide with the release of BT08: Decade Gold.

All cards available on the Play Network card database and deck builder will be legal for this event. Decks must be built in the Play Network and submitted with the entry to the event.

Please check the description of the event for more details.