What would the world look like if every planet in our solar system could support life? Open the Gate to that future!
Click here to go to our Play Network! See events, player rankings, all the cards, build decks, play online, earn cool rewards, see what stores support the game, and more!
System Gate is a tactical card game for 2 players. Choose your favorite card to stand by your side, take part in the battle by equipping yourself with items, and cast powerful spells to shut down the enemy summoning gate! System Gate features a unique business model where the only rarity is cosmetic! Grab your game pieces from every box, every time!

Learning the game? Try a Battle Box!
Newest Releases

Want to start playing System Gate today? It’s both free and online!
Just subscribe to our Tabletop Simulator Mod here.
Then, head on over to our Play Network. Make an account, and start building decks or borrow one from our community deck list.
Boot up TTS and our mod, copy your deck code from the Play Network, and import it into the mod. It’s that easy! Check out the playlist below if you need some more help.