
Tournament Kit #2

Tournament Kit #2 has arrived! In this tournament kit, Neptune is the featured planet. This is the first time we are seeing an exclusive promo card as well, so make sure you pick up this kit before April 1st if you want to be able to use Justice Ninja Bumblesmash in your decks!

Event Video

System Gate Tournament Video

Check out the video commentary for the top tables of the System Gate Garage Locals hosted by Speedrobo Games and Charles Hildebrand!

If you want to see the current player rankings, click here


System Gate Errata

Howdy gang! After our first major tournament, we will be issuing three erratas due to community feed back! As always, System Gate is a game by players for players. So whatever y’all want to see happen, we will do our best to make it so! Let’s get started.

First off, a keyword change. [Combine] is being changed to: [Combine]([Use] Choose a unit on your field who’s soul does not contain a card with the same name as this card’s. Put me from the field into the soul of the chosen unit.)

This change was implemented to prevent slowing the game state down to a crawl. It was producing an unfun and non-interactive environment for both players.

Second, there are two changes to cards in Uranus. Magical Hogtie and Wild Outlaw Dantalion have been changed to

Magical Hogtie can now only be cast once per turn, and Wild Outlaw Dantalion now costs 2 Life in order to bounce.

Magical Hogtie and Dantalion both gave Uranus too strong of defensive options, allowing Uranus to slow the game down too much.

Thank you for your kind understanding in this matter, and we hope you continue to enjoy System Gate!


Big Day for System Gate

Thank you to everyone who turned up for the first System Gate tournament! It was a blast to run it, even if it was a bit cold in my garage.

In other news, there are some updates to the comprehensive rules as well as a skill errata. Special thanks to Steven Panepinto for helping clarify some rules and clean up the document!

[Combine] can now only be used if the soul the [Combine] card is entering does not have a card with the same card name as the [Combine] card. This makes it so that you may only add in one kind of each Tamagear into the soul of your Cyborg Dragons via the Combine skill. This errata has been implemented to make a more fun and interactive game play environment.


System Gate Review!

A huge thank you to Asterisk for reviewing System Gate! It really means the world to the whole Speedrobo Games team.


System Gate Rules Update

Recently, the playtester group had some questions about the overloaded zones rule action. This rule action has been clarified. The updated text is in red.


Card Duel Champions Update

The Rockopher event is live for players who missed him in the beta! Also a new story chapter has been added to the game.


System Gate Story

The first episode of the web comic is now live! It’s available to read on both and webtoons!


System Gate Cards Wave 1

The first wave of System Gate product is now live! This wave contains

TD01: Celestial Wyverns

TD02: Cyborg Dragons

BT01: Dragons Dawn (Both standard and Mega Booster)

Tournament Kit 1

Order here:


System Gate Update

The LackeyCCG module for System Gate has been updated with all cards from set one.

Check out the full version: Download

If you have previously downloaded the full version, here is the update: Download