
Card Duel Champions Delayed

Sadly, the full release of Card Duel Champions must be delayed by 1 month. The new release date is November 30th 2020. The delay has been caused by unforeseen integration problems with Google Play Services. These delays have also resulted in a lack of updates for the current beta version. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.


New Episode of Exploring Card Game Design

In this episode, I’ll be teaching y’all the ins and outs of healthy power creep for your card game.


Buddytogether Charity Cup 2020

Announcing the first tournament ever sponsored by Speedrobo Games! Check out the trailer for more info.


Card Duel Champions iOS Canceled

Unfortunately, I have to announce the cancellation of the planned iOS version of Card Duel Champions. Work on the primary Android version of the game is progressing, but has hit numerous road blocks. Therefore, I feel it is best to put the majority of the resources and time into making the Android version of the game the best it can be for that platform. To that effect, it would be irresponsible to dedicate resources to an iOS port when those resources would be better spent improving the primary version of the game. Thank you for your kind understanding in this matter.


New Episode

In this episode of exploring card game design, we don’t really explore a card game. Instead, we take a look at the card game roots of Among Us to learn why this game is so popular.


New Episode of Exploring Card Game Design.

Today I uploaded a new episode of exploring card game design. In this series, I teach other creators various information about game design in the card game field. Subscribe to the channel to stay updated on the series, and support the patreon to get the episodes early.


Launch of the New Site

Today, Speedrobo Games has it’s new website! Make sure you check it out. On this site we will be posting a list of all of our games, as well as the various events for those games.