Illyriad Empires Development Updates

Howdy there!

We’ve got some very cool new things to show for Illyriad Empires as we get closer to our ship date.

Firstly, here’s the look of the new military tokens.

As you can see, each token will have it’s own unique color and shape. The color represents the faction and the shape is the unit type. This will help players tell what piece is what at a glance.

Additionally, we have added a new rule that will allow players to cycle market cards if they so choose. This will prevent the market from becoming stale.

Please see all of this and more on the official webpage.

Illyriad Empires is produced by Speedrobo Games LLC in association with Wild Whirlwind Ltd. Illyriad (R) & the Illyriad logo are registered trademarks used under license from Illyriad Games Ltd

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