What if every planet in our solar system could support life? Open the gate to that future!
In the universe of system gate, each planet has a magical field along with it’s magnetic field. This magical energy is called Source. This Source allowed for all of the planets in our solar system to develop and support sentient life. From the radiation eating Kaiju of Mercury, to the nigh-immortal Vampires of Pluto.
However, there’s one planet that has an exception; Earth. Earth’s tilt on it’s axis meant that the humans of Earth cannot tap into their own planet’s source field as the planet is out of alignment with it. Instead, humans are like empty capacitors for other planet’s sources. Humans, when they team up with organisms from other planets, can help said organisms channel their own Source more effectively; harvesting it for many uses.
This symbiotic relationship allowed for the near endless production of source energy, new warp gate technology to connect the planets, and the invention of the sport; SYSTEM GATE!
In this sport, human players team up with a Gate Master from another planet. Summon units from their world using Key Cards to tell what their Gate Gadget to bring forth. Cast powerful spells by channeling source. Winning by reducing the Life Points of the enemy Gate to 0, thus shutting it down.
This sport is so impactful and influential that most humans pursue it and large scale disagreements are generally settled using it as a proxy battle.
Which planet will you fight with? Who will you choose to be your Gate Master?