It’s a cold winter night as Professor Whirlybird leaves the unmarked steel building that was once an experimental lab. His lab. His last chance to get his research funded. He takes one last forlorn look at the now abandoned building behind him before trekking into the night.
Shortly into his walk, the professor sees a leather clad individual with a police helmet and visor down the alley. Standing directly in his way.
The industrial park in Mochi Town is normally empty at this hour, yet Whirlybird isn’t surprised to see a policeman here. He expected it. “Evening officer, something I can help you with?” Whirlybird calls out, knowing full well what his visitor is here for.
A unit flashes out from the officer’s Gate Gadget. Ryujin.

“You know what this is about, Professor.” The office says back in an uninterested voice. “We’re taking you in.”
Whirlybird gives a half smile as his own Gate Masters flash out from his wrist. Dr. Curios pops out dressed in his nightgown. “Can’t believe your making us work at this hour.”
Corona arrives in her small form. “Hit me with the good stuff doc.”
“You got it!” With a quick spin, Dr. Curios has changed into his usual attire and chucks a bottle of suspicious medicine onto Corona, allowing her to transform into a Finale Unit.
Ryujin bares his fangs and snarls “Having two Gate Masters means nothing, flesh bag. Finale Units are unable to have Gate Master skills. You are of no threat to me.”
Whirlybird just laughs “I know full well your Empire is scared of what my research could mean for your hold on our Solar System. Why else would you be here?”
IGNITE THE SYSTEM! and the gate battle began.

Several turns in, Whirlybird is getting annoyed.
“Energize and draw” lifeless states the officer.
“Oh drop the act, Ryujin.” Scoffs Whirlbird. “You’re not fooling me with that meat puppet.”
At Whirlbird’s words, the office in the Player Zone crumples to the ground like a toy that lost it’s batteries. Ryujin then steps into the Player Zone himself. “Good enough for me. I was getting tired of the act myself.”
“What percentage of law enforcement has been replaced with your androids at this point?” Whirlybird asks.
Ryujin bares his fangs in what could be called a smile. “I suppose you knowing doesn’t matter at this point. This battle is already over and you’ll be coming with me. 64 percent.”
“Ooh?” Retorts Whirlbird. “I had you estimates at 71. Guess I thought too highly of you Cyborgs.”
Ryujin glares back, ready to end this.

“I Master Summon myself! Ryujin Ground Assault!”
His body grows and contorts itself until the dragon is a titanic dinosaur like version and slams onto the center crushing the smaller unit that was in his way.
“You see, human. I’ve already been paid in advance for your capture with this promotion to Enforcer. I cannot allow you to escape.”
With a cast of Drop Force Cannon, Ryujin blasts away Corona that was defending the center and easily crushes the Professors Gate with his attack.
Yet, Professor Whirlybird stats to laugh.
“What are you so happy about, flesh bag?” Ryujin asks his prey.
“You see, lizard. You’ve won this battle, but not the war. My students already have the ability to tap into our Sun’s Source Field. You may know one of them? Hikaru Kisaragi.”
Ryujin’s eyes light up in a flash of realization that quickly becomes rage. With a roar and swipe of his tail, Whirlybird is sent flying into the alley wall with a bone snapping crunch. With his prey unconscious, Ryujin turns his back and makes a call.
“Parsec, we have a problem. It’s about the traitor, Nebula.”