Parsec reclines in his office in the centrifugal station overlooking planet earth. Despite being in a relaxed position, he’s anything but on the inside. With the world tournament in a few days and the Enforcers showing up, his life is anything but calm at this moment.
*Bssrt *bssrt *bssrt*
That light and tone can only mean one thing to Parsec, his boss is calling. With a sigh, the Cyborg Dragon answers the call.
Without even saying hello, the high pitched voice on the end screeches “What is our status concerning our agents in the World Tournament?”
Parsec calmly answers the TV headed dragon on the other end of the line. “We are currently sitting with 72% of the tournament participants as under our control. All genetically engineered humans are properly performing their roles as commanders for the Enforcers.”
“You better be right!” TV Head barks back “We cannot afford ANY mess ups. It is vital the we demonstrate the power of our Empire to the entire Sol System. These humans need to learn that it is futile to support Virgo and Zeszonian refugees. We must clearly demonstrate that their only path forward is to willingly submit to the Alpha.”
Parsec responds “I am aware.”
The static on TV Head’s face flairs up. “Well what you may not be aware of, is that the Queen herself may be arriving in the Sol System along with her personal guard. I don’t think I need to tell you THAT won’t be pretty for anyone in this system. Including us.”
Parsec gulps and bows his head “Of course, sir.”
With that, TV head hangs up.
Parsec takes a second to contemplate, then checks the roster for the upcoming tournament before making his next call.

An Enforcer answers the other end. “What do you want, Cyborg? I’m busy.” His voice dripping with contempt.
“I’m sorry for bothering you, Special Agent Clairvaux. I’m just calling to make sure that you have everything you need for your match against Nebula.”
Clairvaux scoffs at the question. “A Cyborg like you dares to lack faith in the plan? Of course I will crush that traitor and her Commander, Kisaragi. The queen herself has granted me the latest in Tamagear and a lab grown human to properly channel my power. Failure is impossible.”
A human voice is heard on the other end of the line. “Hey, Clairvaux. Aquinas thinks we should run 3 Tamasteel Scales instead of 4. What do you think about putting in a Comet Mining or two?”
Without any further words, Clairvaux hangs up his end leaving Parsec with nothing to do but hope the numbers on his screen are correct.