The Crazy Adventures of Yo-Yo Hand
This was the second P.C. game that was in development by Speedrobo Games after the release of Executive Power. This was a 2D platformer with a focus on exploration, collection, and backtracking to unlock new secrets.
This game would, ultimately, never be finished or release despite being announced on the company’s old facebook page.
Yo-Yo hand was full programmed from scratch by Rhydon Vassay in C#. The illustrations in the last surviving build (downloadable below) were also all done by Rhydon Vassay. However, there was a large amount of work done on new visual assets. These were all created by Aneta Szczerba.

How to Play:
Step 1: Install Microsoft XNA.
Step 2: Download and Install the game.
Please note that this game is not finished and you will experience many errors. The first world of the game is more or less feature complete. This game was built for Windows XP and 7. You will most likely experience compatibility issues. This webpage exists for archival and historical purposes only. At Speedrobo Games, we take great pride in making sure that our titles do not become lost Media; even our unfinished ones.